Below is the complete list of ECHO’s 74 features.
If you would like to know how to setup any of the features, please read our documentation.
If you need assistance or have any questions, please open a support ticket in our Discord server at discord.gg/echobots.
Auto Moderation
Anti-Abuse: Anti Ad | Anti Bot Add | Anti Ghost Ping | Anti Join Leave | Anti Link | Anti Nuke | Anti Ping | Anti Raid | Anti Spam | Anti Swear
Automation: Auto Feeds | Auto Reactions | Auto Responses | Auto Threads | Captcha | Sticky Messages
Farewell: Farewell Cards | Farewell Embeds
Invites: Invite Logging | Invite Tracking
Welcome: Auto Role | Greeting Cards | Greeting Embeds
Engagement: Birthdays | Chat Bot | Confessions | Levelling | Streaks | Voting
Entertainment: Counting | Currency | Emojiboard | Fortnite Shop | Games | Image Manipulation | Memes | Music
Utilities: Giveaways | Histories | Media of the Week | NQN | Question of the Day | Quote of the Day | Word of the Day
Communication: Advertising | Embeds | Feedback | Polls | Reminders | Suggestions | Tickets
Enhancements: Join to Create | Menus | Monetisation Checkouts | Pagination | Partnership Stats | Queues | Slot Channels | Templates | Translation
Integrations: Reddit Notifications | Twitch Notifications | Twitter Notifications | YouTube Notifications
Server Management: Applications | Boost Messages | Bump Reminder | Locked Roles | Logging | Self Roles | Server Backups | Server Stats | Statistics | Temporary Roles