Can I cancel auto renewal of my monthly subscription?
Yes, visit the account page and select cancel next to your subscription.
Can I change my Custom Bot(s) about me, avatar, banner, status, and username?
Yes, you can either change them via the the Discord Developer Portal or using the /bot avatar, /bot banner, /bot status, and /bot username command on your bot.
Can I pay in another currency?
The only currency shown on our site is GBP, however Stripe & PayPal will do the conversion for your payment method at checkout.
Can I move my Custom Bot(s) to another server?
Yes, simply kick the bot from the server and re-invite it to a new server.
Can I transfer my membership to another Discord account?
Yes, open a support ticket in our Discord for help.
Can I upgrade or downgrade my subscription?
Yes, open a support ticket in our Discord for assistance so we can cancel your existing subscription, then you just need to checkout like normal for the new subscription level.
Do I get the code?
How can I cancel auto renewal?
Visit the account page and select cancel next to your subscription.
How can I purchase a Custom Bot?
Choose a level here and checkout!
How do I configure my Custom Bot?
Type /setup to setup features and /remove to remove them.
I discovered a bug, what can I do?
Please open a support ticket in our Discord explaining the issue, and it will be fixed within 24 hours.
I no longer want my services, can I get a refund?
No. All sales are final and we don’t offer refunds under any circumstances.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept Afterpay, Apple Pay, Cash App, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Google Pay, iDEAL, Klarna, Link, and PayPal.
Where can I get support when I need it?
Open a support ticket in our Discord.